
I’ve Got The Scoop on Cookies!

The best ice cream cookie sandwiches, that is! February is the birthday month in our house with my husband and daughter both celebrating birthdays. We recently threw a family open house type party at our home and I arranged for The Scoop on Cookies ice cream sandwich food truck to show up at our driveway and serve our party guests. It was a HUGE hit! I’m over at OC Family with all the details.

3 Materials and 3 Easy Steps for 3D Drawing Madness

3D Drawing-Club ChicaCircle

No more traditional stick figure drawings for me! I am getting schooled by my tween again – this time she shares how to do 3D drawing with only 3 materials and 3 easy steps. This is a perfect afternoon break activity – fun, easy and impressive. Create your own 3D drawing madness today!

Spa Sleepover Turbie Twist Cupcakes

Spa sleepover turbie twist cupcakes craft

My tween just had her first birthday slumber party, and we went with a Spa Sleepover theme. Here is a sneak peak at one of the crafty gift ideas for the guests. We turned Turbie Twist hair towels and headbands into cupcakes! Check it out!