171 search results for "new year"

A Crafty Tween Birthday Party that Gives Back

Hospital Craft Bags for Kids

I was so inspired by how this crafty tween celebrated her birthday party that I had to share. Her and her partygoers made craft activity and gift bags for kids at our local children’s hospital. In lieu of birthday presents, she chose to ask for donations for kids in need. Check out how they did it….

Take a Quiz

back to school

Are you like me, and still waiting for the first day of school for your kids to be here? My tween is finally off to start her 5th grade adventure tomorrow, and just for fun there is a new personality quiz posted. Check it out…

Inspiration Comes in Many Packages

MJ bay to breakers

Hello crafty chicas! Don’t be disappointed, but today’s post isn’t a crafty DIY, free printable, or crafty trend. I just had to take a moment to write a personal rant. I absolutely love this picture of my beautiful niece who just ran the Bay to Breakers 12K over the weekend with her father and her…