171 search results for "new year"

Katie’s Krops Goes Hollywood

Katie’s krops

You may remember reading about this inspired tween in our previous post, namely Miss Katie of Katie’s Krops – the then 9-year-old super tween who started a feed-hunger movement with one ginormous cabbage. Fast forward about 3 years and she is still going strong! And is about to be featured on the Everyday Health channel.…

Terms of Use

Club ChicaCircle Terms & Conditions of Use Club ChicaCircle is a fun, entertaining and safe online destination for moms (or aunties-dads-grandparents) and their tweens to connect through crafting.   As mothers of tween girls, we show you how crafting is contagious, especially when shared between a mother and daughter.  We are creating memories to treasure with…

Sassy Sock Cupcakes


As my tween prepares to go back to school, we have definitely been doing the rounds of back-to-school shopping. The shoes that were so big last year, are crunching her toes this year. Jeans that we had to roll up last year, we have cut off to make jean shorts. The new school supplies and…


Club ChicaCircle Privacy Agreement Club ChicaCircle is a fun, entertaining and safe online destination for moms (or aunties-dads-grandparents) and their tweens to connect through crafting.   As mothers of tween girls, we show you how crafting is contagious, especially when shared between a mother and daughter.  We are creating memories to treasure with our girls now…