Inspired Tweens

Katie’s Krops Goes Hollywood

Katie’s krops

You may remember reading about this inspired tween in our previous post, namely Miss Katie of Katie’s Krops – the then 9-year-old super tween who started a feed-hunger movement with one ginormous cabbage. Fast forward about 3 years and she is still going strong! And is about to be featured on the Everyday Health channel.…

Miranda’s Kitchen – How to make Vanilla Panna Cotta

Miranda’s Kitchen

Welcome to Miranda’s Kitchen—where one of our resident tweens shares how to make Vanilla Panna Cotta based on one of her favorite desserts inspired by the “Around the World Cookbook” by Abigail Johnson Dodge. Here is the official recipe: You will need: Small saucepan Wooden spoon Blender Custard cups or small ramekins Plastic wrap Ingredients:…

Katie’s Krops


We love when one small thing, or in this case, one 40-lb cabbage can inspire a movement. Katie Stagliano was just 9 and in third grade when her gardening skills grew a 40-lb cabbage that fed 275 people and inspired her to launch an ongoing campaign to feed the hungry. Moved by the experience of…