
Take a Quiz

back to school

Are you like me, and still waiting for the first day of school for your kids to be here? My tween is finally off to start her 5th grade adventure tomorrow, and just for fun there is a new personality quiz posted. Check it out…

School Lunch Roundup


I’m over at the OC Family sharing some great lunch box tricks and ideas from some really savvy fellow bloggers, including my friend Kate from PeepThread. She makes the best lunches for her daughter! Check it out here….

How the 100 Foods List Turned My Tween into a Mini Food Critic

Fresh Wild Berries

We are two-thirds through 2012 and my tween is still driving hard to tick off items on the 100 Foods List. She is determined to try more foods on the list in 2012 than anyone else doing the challenge (especially her cousin Michelle and friend Mason). I’m not sure if it’s the competitive aspect of this challenge or that she really enjoys the adventures we’ve experienced along the way. For a recap of how this challenge started..