My tween inspires me every day with her boundless energy and sense of unlimited potential. Her self expression shines through her actions- but also through the mosaic of inspirational quotes she has crafted and personalized for her own space. It’s clear that she is influenced by my sisters, Erica and Pauline (crafty maven here at Club ChicaCircle), who also customize personal spaces with inspirational quotes. The quotes give me insight into what inspires my daughter.
My favorite quote that we have in many forms in our home is larger than life in my girl’s room. She recently redecorated her room (part of her tween transition out of her My Little Ponies stage) – and chose the quote “She believed she could – so she did.” We prepped the wall pretty easily using a custom wall decal. You may recognize this quote as one captured on Pauline’s custom necklaces in our Etsy shop.

My tween’s favorite quote- larger than life in her room
One of Pauline’s custom crafted necklaces that inspired the wall decal:

She believed she she did
My tween’s Christmas gift to me- “Girls can do anything” collage:

“Girls can do anything” collage
My daughter protects more inspiration under her nightstand glass- “Unique like each bolt of lightning”

Unique like each bolt of lightning
And for the runner in my girl – her ‘fast’ quotes:

Fast Runner Quotes
Do you have any favorite quotes that inspire you? Please share below!
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