Craft ideas

Patriotic Printables

Patriotic Printables@ClubChicaCircle

The first day of summer is officially here! Hip, hip, hooray! Kick off summer by starting to plan your 4th celebration! To get you started, we are offering some free patriotic printables. Subscribe to me on our mailing list, and grab your copy. If you are already a subscriber, go to the special link we…

Upcycled Father’s Day Coffee Sleeve Craft Idea

Father’s Day Coffee Sleeve Craft

Show Dad some coffee love. Check out this super cute and quick homemade gift idea. Hand Dad a cup of coffee with his own personalized coffee sleeve this Father’s Day. Here is what you will need to create your own custom cup of coffee for Dad: coffee sleeve scrapbook or colored paper of choice pictures,…

Finger Weaving Fun!

I heart finger weaving feature

With a bag of cotton loops and your fingers, you can create some cool colorful creations. This boredom-busting, travel-friendly craft is the perfect tween summer craft idea. One of our resident tweens shows you how.