Bunny Clothespins DIY

You are doing to HOP with delight at this fun and easy Easter craft idea!

Bunny Clothespins Easter Craft

You will not believe how simple this is. And it all starts with an ordinary wood clothespin.

I made two different size bunny clothespins, so I used mini wood clothespins for the bracelet craft, and regular sized clothespins for the bunny decorations.

I also used Krylon Bright White spray paint, a black Sharpie fine point marker, and a hot pink Sharpie Paint Marker.

Bunny Clothespins Craft Supplies

I wanted to make my “bunnies” bright white, but you could even skip the white spray paint step if you like. They would look just as cute as natural wood bunnies.

You could also use regular white craft acrylic paint to paint the clothespins, but I wanted to go the quick and easy route.

How to make bunny clothespins for Easter

I spray painted a whole batch of wood clothespins and let them dry outside. Then my daughter and I got to work turning them into bunnies with our Sharpie markers.

I like how the pink Paint marker showed up on the white painted surface and the black Sharpie was perfect to add eyes and whisker details.

Bunny Clothespins Easter Craft idea with Sharpies

The clothespin hole is in the perfect spot to represent a bunny nose.

We made a whole bunch of mini bunny clothespins and turned them into a cute bracelet.

I got my inspiration for the clothespin bracelet here, and couldn’t wait to try this with my decorated bunny clothespins.

Clothespin Bunny Bracelet Easter Craft for Tweens

I used glittery clear stretchy cord to weave and connect the clothespin bunnies together.

First I cut two long lengths of cord (you will need about 3 times the amount of your desired wrist size) and tied them together on one end. I used some Krazy Glue to secure the knot and let dry.

Then weaving the stretchy cord in-and-out of the nose holes and the clip holes in opposing directions, I strung my clothespins together carefully.

How to weave clothespins together

After all of my desired clothespins were strung together, I tied off the other end with a knot and a pony bead and some more Krazy glue to hold it.

Bunny Clothespin bracelet craft idea for kids

The bead acts like a clasp to attach under the knot of the other end.

It became a really cute Easter accessory for my girl!

Bunny Clothespin Bracelet Craft

BAM! Bunny cuteness here!

Bunny Clothespin Bracelet Tutorial

We also made some bunnies with larger clothespins. These we turned into cute Easter decorations.

I hot glued three together, side-by-side, and then hot glued 3 white pom poms on the back for their puffy tails.

Bunny Clothespins Easy Easter Craft Idea for Kids

Love it!

And, this would be another great quick craft idea to do with your kids this weekend. Hint-hint!

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Happy Crafting!


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Pauline Molinari

I'm the crafty maven, and I'm on a mission to spread craftiness. With a fine arts degree, over 15 years experience in children's publishing, and a savvy, stylish, sassy tween daughter, I come armed with perspective and passion to inspire tween girls and their mothers to be crafty together. 


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