Friendship crafts

Trick or Treat Fortune Teller FREE Download

trick or treat cootie catcher

Do you remember folding paper fortune tellers or “cootie catchers” when you were growing up? My tween can practically fold one of these in her sleep! She goes back and forth between folding the fortune teller and then doing a couple extra folds and turning it into a hat or a boat. We don’t always…

Hospital Camp Craft Therapy

hospital camp tweens

We are sad to say, one of our resident chica tweens was admitted to the hospital for a serious illness. Even though we had a variety of summer camps planned for our girls to kick off the summer, the universe has decided that “hospital camp” was in our future instead. When confined to a hospital…

80’s inspired Ribbon Barrettes

Ribbon Barrettes

As a mother from the 80’s – this is a definite blast from the past that I cannot wait to share and make with my tween daughter! Fashion trends just keep coming around, and I’m thinking this one is a perfect craft activity to do with a group of tween girlfriends or girl scout troop.…