The headlines rang out with this week with a looming crisis. No, it was not the polar vortex, but the coming #Cheesepocalypse. “Don’t Double Dip: Velveeta Warns of Shortage.” I first thought it was the smartest marketing ploy of the year, but then news reports confirmed empty shelves on the East Coast. The latest #Cheesepocalypse map confirms spotty shortages across the country.
I bought into the panic and my mind couldn’t focus…
What if my kids never get to experience the only cheese I ever knew growing up?
What if I can’t get that true melty grilled cheese sandwich taste I remember during those cold Illinois winters?
I haven’t thought of Velveeta in years…where did I lose my Midwestern roots?
What is the ideal ratio of Velveeta to salsa for the perfect Super Bowl dip?
So, the only way to clear my mind was to take action! Luckily, here in California, we still have the Velveeta bricks. I found ours at the local Target, right next to the other refrigerated cheeses.
Once I had the liquid gold in my possession, I wasted no time making a perfectly melty grilled cheese sandwich. It’s as easy as it sounds.
Perfectly Melty Velveeta Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Butter two slices of soft white bread – covering all of the edges and corners
- Slice Velveeta using a soft cheese slicer and place slices inside the bread (buttered sides facing out)
- Grill the sandwich over medium heat on a pre-warmed griddle or pan, watching closely until the bread is toasted golden brown (a cast iron pan works best)
- Enjoy immediately (and I prefer dipping the sandwich in ketchup)
Tip: Only uncover the portion of the Velveeta brick that you need to keep the rest fresh. If you become a Velveeta convert, invest in a Tupperware Cheese Keeper.
Is this making you hungry for more ideas? The Kraft site is full of recipes. You can keep up with the latest #Cheesepocalypse updates with humor on the Velveeta Facebook page. I am also capturing recipes on my “The Great Velveeta Meldown” Pinterest Board.
One recipe not to miss is from Dessert for Two who makes a Velveeta Fudge that looks scrumptious.

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How are you handling #Cheesepocalypse? Are you stocking up for the long winter? Do you have any recipes to share that I can add to my Pinterest board? Please share below!
Note: This is not a sponsored post. I really did grow up with Velveeta being the only cheese in the house. I am sharing this to carry on the tradition with my kids and to inspire you to share your recipes.
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