How much Halloween candy do you have left in your house? Have you thought of creative ways to utilize all of the Halloween candy leftover from the spooky holiday? Here is a great way to give the candy as a treat (not trick) to someone long after the trick or treating is over. Also, as…
This issue is filled with activities, games, printables, and craft ideas to celebrate the Fall Holiday season. For this free download, just sign up to be on our mailing list you will get the secret link right away! Get your copy now!
We recently solved the mystery of my tween’s lost snail, and it had an unfortunate ending as you can see above. I won’t go into the story of why we had a pet snail, or how it got lost in our house, but needless to say, once we found Bob Bobby Burrito, aka pet snail,…
I have never seen what is called a “Popsicle Stick Chain Reaction” or a “Stick Bomb” before, and now I am so intrigued. I must try this cool activity with my tween! I recently saw this video on Craft and new that I had to share. My tween doesn’t know it yet, but after homework…